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Alice Sayutina *

I'm currently making a career as a Software Engineer in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Before that I was fortunate to work on a research masters degree in University of Waterloo🍁 working under supervision of Kanstantsin Pashkovich. Papers.
Even earlier that, I did competitive programming and won ICPC gold medal. I've graduated from ITMO University as a CS bachelors.

Contact information

If you're looking to contact me for professional matters:
I think TCS research is cool, and I'm interested in advices or projects.
I believe education is an impactful way to make the world better, and I'm happy for any educational work I did.
I'm interested and currently working in Technology industry.
I receive many finance job adverts from intermediaries, please don't send me those.

Teaching and recordings

I was teaching algorithms and adjacent topics at St. Petersburg's campus of Higher School of Economics, and some other places.
Some of the recordings are still available on Youtube. It might sometimes diverge from what I would be thinking of teaching now. (And I also look a little different now).